(정보제공 : 주홍콩총영사관)
홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2025-6)
(관보게재일 : 2025.2.7)
1. 산사태 예방 공사 계약(홍콩섬 및 구룡)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : GE/2024/21
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, Phase 1, Contract 1
* 계약기간 : 2025.6월부터 55개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.7(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=788
2. 산사태 예방 공사 계약(신계 동부 및 서부)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : GE/2025/02
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, New Territories East and New Territories West, Phase 1, Contract
* 계약기간 : 2025.6월부터 42개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 12:00
3. 산사태 예방 공사 계약(신계 서부 및 란타우)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : GE/2024/04
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, New Territories West and Lantau, Phase 1, Contract 1
* 계약기간 : 2025.6월부터 45개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.21(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=790
4. 건설폐기물 임시분류시설 공사 계약
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : CV/2024/02
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (2025–2028)
* 계약기간 : 2025.5월부터 36개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.7(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=791
5. 데이터 입력 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Fire Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : FSD/PT/224
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Data Inputting Services to the Fire Services Department
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.24(월), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=793
6. EC175B 헬리콥터 조수석 공급
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Flying Service
ㅇ 입찰번호 : GFS/TG/3-80/2024/4
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Passenger Seat for Helicopter EC175B to the Government Flying Service
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.20(목), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=794
7. Oracle Exadata 데이터베이스 관련 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Housing Authority
ㅇ 입찰번호 : ITT20250036
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Professional Support Services for the Oracle Exadata Database Machines for the Hong Kong Housing Authority
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 10:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=6&extra=0&type=0&number=796